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LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket

LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
LV Paris Embroidery Varsity Jacket
Product Views: 558
Ex Tax: $179.00

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Most products ship via standard ground UPS or Fedex, depending on your delivery location.
After we receive your order, we usually dispatch the items within 1-3 working days, and final delivery is expected to arrive in 7-14 working days (Depending on your delivery location).
Our products accept returns, and customers can request returns within 7 days after receiving the product (Except for final sale products).
For more information, please visit Returns and Refunds Policy.
Our items come with original boxes, certification cards and other original accessories. If you choose the option where the original box is not required, you will not get the original box but still have the original accessories and receive the discount.
Our bags and wallets are guaranteed to be 100% made of real leather which is imported to match that of the original brand. We use a range of leathers depending on what is used by the authentic brand on the original bag. Meanwhile, our replica designer bags are usually made of synthetic leather to reduce procurement costs, you can find each product's material easily on the product page.
We will carefully check the quality of each product before shipment, if you find any quality problem after receiving the goods, please contact our customer service and we will gladly assist you immediately.
We understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online, especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our client's money like our money and this is why our business is successful. We do not push any client to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders – if you do not trust us that is fine and we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us. If you are wary of sending a large amount of money we suggest you start with a smaller item and once you verify our quality you will definitely be back for more like our other clients. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to be 100% comfortable before buying.
We guarantee the product will look like the ones in the photos from our catalog. What you see is what you get.
You can check "My Orders" on the website, or contact us via email or WhatsApp.
We add more than 100 styles of new products daily and have many more products that are waiting to be uploaded. We provide Sourcing service for our customers, Please feel free to contact us WhatsApp about any particular item or brand.
Replica Designer handbags are inspired by the original designer bags. There are many grades of replicas depending on the materials used and the workmanship. We have been in this business for many years and are always updating every detail to the even smallest one. We are committed to bringing you quality products at different price points. Make you spend much less money to buy brand designer products.
Will not, but some countries' customs may charge an import tax on your parcel, but on rare occasions, they do since we ship as gifts with low value. You can consult us before ordering.
Yes, we offer wholesale. We can provide wholesale pricing per request.
We ship all our products through secure shipping services to your door. You will receive a tracking number so you can track the progress of your shipment.
Though we do not expect this to happen, if there is any significant delay with your order, we will contact you immediately. We will keep in contact with you from the time you place your order until you receive your delivery. But the delivery time is still affected by Many force majeure reasons, such as weather, flight and holiday, so it may delay sometimes. but do not worry, we 100% promise you will get it safely and keep you informed of any updates, also you are welcome to contact us any time.
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